Earlier today, I was out running a few errands, one of them being stopping at the Pamida pharmacy to pick up a prescription. Before completing this task, I stopped in to use the men's room located near the pharmacy. Upon entering the men's room I saw a 60ish fellow standing by the sink and, thinking nothing of it, I proceeded to the urinal to do my thing. I'd barely unzipped when the guy at the sink asks "How are you doing"? Admittedly caught a bit off guard by his question, I replied with a quick "just fine". He then proceeding to whine about his children "taking some stuff out and now it was going to rain and he'd be left to clean up the mess blah blah blah" By that time I was speechless, wondering what the heck this guys problem/story was. I finished what I'd came to do and went to the sink to wash my hands when the guy asked me if I was working today. Man, this was really getting weird, at least to me. "No", I said, "It's my day off". Thinking I was at last ready to leave this toilet twilight zone, the guy then extended his hand for me to shake. Being a quick thinker on my feet, I offered a somewhat lame "Sorry, I don't shake hands with all the flu and stuff going around". I didn't wait for his reaction to my denial, but got out of there asap. If only that guy know what I WANTED to say. I don't think I don't have to put those words down on paper or whatever it is I'm writing on. Those that know me know exactly what I wanted to say to this nut.
I headed to the phamacy and picked up my prescription. With no other shopping to do, I headed out of the pharmacy, my route ironically taking me past the Depends display. Hmmm, maybe I should pick a few of those up for my next trip to Pamida, kind of a preemptive strike against having to use the restroom here. No, I guess I'll leave them on the shelf. I'd hate to buy the last package and have some guy wet his pants at the next Packer game.