Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is it just me?

Is it just me, or do the rest of you find yourself yelling at your TV when you watch the news. I'm not talking about anything political mind you, but consider this morning's report on Fox 11.

The first report was on the sentencing, or lack there of, of a 20 something woman who was convicted of having sex with a 13 year old boy. Based on the fact that they were in a "relationship", which has now resulted in TWO kids, the judge gave her probation. He called their relationship "unique". Now I don't know about you, but if my seventh grade son came home and announced "hey, I'm gonna be a Dad", I sure as hell wouldn't react by saying "Wow Son, that's unique"! You can bet your sweet a** that had this been a 22 year old guy that got a 13 year old girl pregnant, he'd be looking at a lot more serious consequences than this woman received. Talk about a double standard!

The second story covered the case of the guy getting his penis glued to himself by his wife and three other women he was "messing around" with. The charges against his wife were dismissed. Hmm, lack of evidence or what the reasoning was I'm not sure but certainly this story is worth at least a grin every time it reappears. I think this guy should get a free pass from ever having to go to work again for the rest of his life. At the very least they should put him in some sort of witness protection program and give him a new identity. Can you imagine showing up for work after something like THIS has happened to you? I'm sure there has to be some stimulus $$ for this poor guy!

The third story was about the "balloon boy" case in Colorado. This freak show of a family is right up the main stream media's alley I guess. Who the hell names their kid Falcon for crying out loud, some "bird brain" parents I'd guess.

As I mentioned earlier, these were the top 3 stories on the news today. I'm not sure what that says about us the viewers or society in general but it sure reminds of something a friend of ours always says, "God must sure love goofy people because he made an awful lot of them". AMEN

1 comment:

  1. It's sad what some in the media and the public in general consider interesting and entertaining now. The worst thing is how these stories are all over the place, are covered ad nauseam from every minute angle, and the consequences of these people are actually debated by the media personalities! We can choose not to watch some of the goofy, fake reality shows on TV, but when trying to keep current with the news gets sickening, that's bad.
